Setelah membaca aturan yang diterapkan oleh Blogvertise, saya kemudian mencoba membuat account di sana, tentunya dengan harapan agar account saya bisa diapprove. Pihak blogvertise ternyata cukup responsif, selang sehari setelah saya melakukan registrasi, blog saya direview, dan ternyata alhamdulillah telah diapproved. Tentunya ini kabar gembira buat saya, sekaligus juga rasa penasaran ingin mencoba bagaimana 'rasanya' blogvertise ini...
Lebih lanjut, Blogvertise ini menawarkan bayaran untuk setiap produk atau layanan yang telah kita review dan disetujui sesuai dengan pesanan. Hm, menarik juga. Yang paling penting adalah syarat yang ditentukan cukup mudah, harus punya blog, dan account paypal. Ya, nantinya pembayaran akan dikirimkan ke account paypal kita.
Satu hal yang menarik lagi, blog yang kita tulis nampaknya tidak harus 100% berbahasa Inggris, hal yang menjadi kendala bagi sebagian orang yang mengalami kesulitan dalam soal bahasa.
Aturan Umumnya seperti berikut ini :
General Instructions
Just look around on the sponsor's website and then write a blog entry on your blog about what you think of it. You can write positive or negative thoughts on this website- the product, the layout of the site, any personal experiences you have had that relate to this kind of product, etc. The blog entry has to be 100 words in length at least, and please no copying and pasting from the sponsor's website. You have to provide a link in the blog entry to the sponsor's site. Then, when you are done and have published the blog entry to your blog, click on the time in the blog entry to create a permanent link, and submit this using the link provided in the assignment email. For more information about this read our FAQ at!
Probation Questions
We do usually put blogs that do not have posts dating back 90 days on probationary status, but if you have obviously good quality content, and most important, you are cached with google, it is not too much of a problem to approve someone as a full-fledged member early than that. We approve and/or put people on probation on a case by case basis. We are sorry we can not give you a more hard and fast rule to go by, but we like to make sure good blogs don't slip through the cracks cause they haven't been around for 90 days per say.
How we approve blogs
We prefer blogs that have been around for 60 days and are in good standing with google. If your blog is brand new or you haven't been writing in it for very long, we can approve it on a probationary status. It will be on probation for a limited time until it is 60 days old or is cached with google. Bloggers on probation get paid less per assignment. You can email us again at any time to review your blog and get it off probationary status. Either way, when your blog is accepted, you will receive emails with tasks that instruct you on what to write about.
Bad pictures
We are sorry but we can only accept actual photographs of our bloggers for photo submissions. This is due to concerns about copyright infringements and such, so we have made it a general rule for all photo submissions must of a person/human being and of themselves.
Wordpress accounts
We are no longer approving Wordpress blogs because Wordpress has made the decision to delete blogs with paid content on them. Sorry, please consider submitting another blog for consideration.
Cukup jelas bukan? Sedikit saran, kalo menggunakan blog gratisan, gunakan blogspot, jangan Wordpress, karena di Wordpress tidak diperbolehkan ada paid to review di dalamnya.
Satu lagi, di blogvertise ada juga program afiliasinya lho. Penjelasannya seperti berikut :
Refer new advertisers to blogsvertise and earn even more income. Our advertiser referral program pays you 20% of what advertisers you refer spend on advertising with blogsvertise. For example if an advertiser you refer spends $500, you will receive $100 of this transaction. In order to refer new advertisers you must use a proper advertiser affiliate tracking url.
Lumayan bukan? Kita bisa dapat 20%. Jadi makin semangat nih .... Tertarik untuk gabung? Daftar aja di sini. Gratis !!!
Sudah dapat banyak job dari Blogvertise, Om?